They’ll remember this experience with you forever

You’ll ride shoulder to shoulder during the day, experiencing adventure and adrenaline together. You’ll connect around the campfire as we all reflect on lessons learned.

We will provide some powerful guided interactions along the way to facilitate a deepening of your connection.

Currently we are gauging interest for Spring 2022 parent and teen trips. Sign-up below to the interest list and you’ll be given priority once the schedule is finalized.

Parent & Teen Baja UTV 4-day adventure
No experience required

Dates: Thurs-Sun — Dates TBA
Cost: $3,700 for initial adult (includes UTV rental), $850 per additional passenger/child
Travel: Meet in San Diego at 11am, or in Tecate at 1pm
Includes: UTV Rental, needed equipment, fuel, camp gear, food & beverages, insurance, photographer, videographer.

Get on the interest list and we'll reach out to you first

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