Finish the Race—and a Community Center in Baja

We’re rallying a community of adventurers, racers, and purpose-minded people to our “Race to the Finish” campaign. We’re going all-in to cross two finish lines that have never been crossed before.

Let’s change a community, together.

The Rig: Boarchata

This November we are aiming for our 1973 FJ55 Land Cruiser, Boarchata, to be the first vintage class vehicle to finish the Baja 1000 since the class was introduced five years ago.

While racing, we’ll also be raising awareness and money to complete construction and open the doors of the Buena Onda, a community center in Punta Colonet, right along the route of the Baja 1000.

Punta Colonet

Originally a fishing village, through agriculture Punta Colonet grew to a community of approximately 4,000 people.

The majority of people in Colonet work in fields picking tomatoes, peppers, onions, etc. Workers earn approximately $16 a day and often work 12 hours in a shift, 6 or 7 days of the week.

The Buena Onda Project

Buena Onda’s mission is to strengthen and empower families in Punta Colonet, and to invest in its emerging generation.

The team is building a community center to serve the families of Punta Colonet. They are currently in construction of the second floor, and after that the roof. Then, doors and windows, kitchen and bathrooms, and the septic system.

While they’ve made great progress over these past few years, they need all of us to help get them across the finish line, open the doors, and begin serving the kids and families of Punta Colonet.

Head over to TheBuenaOnaProject.org for more on the vision, and some great videos documenting the journey thus far.

Let’s Do This. Together.

Here’s what you can do today to be a part of Race to the Finish

First, and foremost please give today to help finish the community center in Punta Colonet. Buena Onda Project is an iThink Assemblies project and is a registered 501(c)(3). All gifts go directly to the non-profit and are tax deductible.

Please donate early—we need to get momentum towards’ our goal and inspire others to help us reach the finish line.

You can use the share links below, or share the GoFundMe directly, whatever you think will resonate most with your friends.

If you have friends with a large following or who are in local or national media please consider reaching out to the personally. This is a great story where publicity will translate to helping us accomplish Buena Onda’s mission.

Let’s help this go viral and see our friends at The Buena Onda Project finish building the community center to serve the families of Punta Colonet.

Let your friends know about Race to the Finish


Have you ever wanted to be part of a Baja 1000 race team? Help us with as part of our pit crew, team hospitality, logistics, documenting the journey, or drive a chase truck. This will be the experience of a lifetime, and is for a great cause.

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